• Man's hand on Bible

    God’s Honest Truth

    Have you ever asked this yourself? What IS truth? We live in a society nowadays, especially here in the United States, where "fake news" is a buzzword and people's mouths are filled with words that are chosen to sell us a product or persuade us to act. They spin a story. They spin the truth...So, what is truth, just as this Roman governor asked two millennia ago, and where can we turn to find it?

  • heap of different nominal per dollars

    Prophets or Profits: My Two Cents

    Prophets or profits: making sense of it all is our theme today. With many mega-churches and ministries in the U.S. holding millions in assets, how is it that we have poor members in our midst? What message are we sending the world? Jesus said that the world would recognize His own by the love we have for each other. Where is this love? Have our capitalistic values in this country doused the light we are to be? How can we be missions-minded with money-driven goals? Are we so focused on doing big ministry that we forget those right next to us who struggle in the local church body? Here is…

  • Little lamb in field

    Repentance: Work of Man or Grace of God?

    Is repentance a work of man or a work of God? Some claim that we add to the gospel or Word of God when repentance is preached. Well, what was the teaching of Jesus? What was the practice of the apostles? Why is repentance such an important theme in the Bible?

  • Crown of Kings & Crown of Thorns

    Thy Will Be Done

    Have you ever wondered why there is such a poor witness in many a church these days? Scandals seem to be more common, and sadly, are even expected by a jaded world. Whether it be a lack of moral purity, greed, or the false idol of personal popularity, the world is watching and saying that religion is poison. And you know what? This type is!

  • A pie surrounded by stalks of wheat and apples

    A Slice of Humble Pie

    "But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word." [Isaiah 66:2 ESV] You would have to had nipped the strong drink of propaganda and then fallen sound asleep like Rip Van Winkle to not notice the lack of humility here in the United States, especially in the last six years or so. I mean, do the scriptures on humility above reflect our culture at all?

  • Mountain scene reflecting in lake

    A Reflection On Perfection

    Have you ever considered the word "perfect?" It is used in many ways today, but I'd like to focus on the sense of the word used in scripture to describe Christ and His sacrifice: to lack nothing necessary to completeness, to be of consummate integrity and virtue. A rough analogy nowadays would be a perfect diamond, one without flaws in cut, color, or clarity. Such internally perfect diamonds are rare--less than 0.5 percent fall into this category. They are also full of faceted beauty. In the spiritual world, there is only One who is perfect, whose beauty is so great that mortal man cannot bear the vision and live: "our…

  • Sign post: Right Way, Wrong Way, My Way

    Faith or Fable

    Thomas said to him, "Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?" Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. [John 14:5-6 ESV]