I Am Not Ashamed
Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. [Philippians 2:9–11 NLT]
Oh, speak to me not Of a higher being-- Mine has a name, It is Jesus, my King. An unnamed man did not die on the cross Or breathe his last at such high cost. He had a name unlike any other Force, or being, or "neutral" power. An unnamed man did not rise from the dead After they mocked while He suffered and bled... To raise us to Heaven and with Him reign As sons and daughters of the King again! So, here I am to tell you all About the Gospel, just like Paul Who was not ashamed Of his Savior's beautiful name. From Eden, that Garden Where we first learned God's pardon, He spoke His victory into eternity And at His word, it came to be. We little knew The seed that grew From a tiny thought To salvation bought With God's own heart At the very start. He foresaw it all, The pride and fall... He knew the end, His Son to send From Heaven to earth Through the Virgin birth. The story is as famous As my God's name is. The angel told Mary God would no longer tarry But bring forth a Savior To experience His favor, To forgive us our sin And the victory win. Gabriel told her to name This child that came, Jesus, God With Us, So that grace wouldn't miss us. He had a name And it's not the same As your higher power-- It's unique, beloved, unlike any other. It's not some force Like a star's known course But rather, their Creator! There is no debater Who can look to astrology For full apology. No, only Jesus, My only thesis. See, even stars know their Maker, Their Giver and Taker-- Why worship the low and created? It's His name that's so elevated! We credit justice and revenge To karma's unnamed hinge That swings a door wide To a whole host of lies... Likenesses of nothing we crave-- Mere cosmic ideas that can not save-- That claim and promise the same To our scorned and eternal shame. We make it up to be free Of our Heavenly Father's dignity, Which His Son died to reclaim And raise us to reign! Oh, the glory we forsake, In such falsehood we partake-- In all reality then, Even our imaginations are sin. Call on your higher power In your final hour, And I will call on the only name That saves me from my broken blame. You say it's an intolerant word-- You have, with your heart, just not heard. I speak to you truth From the Giver of proof! Paul saw an unknown altar, But he did not fear or falter. He used the occasion, With much persuasion, To tell them to repent. For it was his intent To make known the name Jesus and why He came. If Paul thought, As many are taught, All roads lead to Heaven, Why did he even Bother to preach The gospel and teach? How God sent His Son, His only One, To suffer and die... Why even try? Because Paul knew: The very thing true Is that victory is won Only in Jesus the Son. He was raised to life After He bore our strife-- With those nail holes in his hands He reaches out, and faith demands That there's no other name Of renowned fame Given by Heaven To save us from our sin and this modern leaven Of a higher power... As if there are many! There is One only So holy and true, So infinitely few. In this time, at this hour, Let us boldly proclaim there in only One power; May His Church speak loud her King's name With the honor due Jesus, with proper acclaim. Oh, Speak to me not Of a higher being-- Mine has a name, It is Jesus, my King.